2018 Postgraduate Symposium

Our Annual Postgraduate Symposium will take place on Thursday 19th July 2018 between 4- 7pm in Helmore 208. Please do join us.

4-5:  Panel 1

Helen Innes, ‘A licensed dealer in legs: John Hollingshead and the principal boys of the Gaiety Theatre, 1868-1886’.

William Lobley, ‘The Macroauthority and Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim

5-15: Tea, coffee and cake   

5.15- 6.45:  Panel 2

Gareth Davies, ‘How successful were Victorian attempts to invest the sound of church bells with greater religious significance?’

Saffya Alaoui, Deronda, the flawed master: problematic discipleship in George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda.

Sophie Phelps, The adult-Child in Dickens’s Fiction

6.45-7:  Overview of our activities over the past year and looking ahead.

Do join us in the Tram afterwards to continue with discussion.